S002555 Design Project


This unit represents the first of a multi-part design project. In most instances the project is to be determined by the students at the beginning of the semester in consultation with their lecturer. The outcomes of the project undertaken will vary depending upon the individual objectives established by the students and teaching staff. The unit provides an opportunity to undertake conceptual designs which will lead to the development of these ideas in the subsequent Design Projects. Students should be particularly concerned with the development of their personal design philosophy, the way in which it responds to social needs and its visual and social expression as a preliminary to its virtuoso development in the major project. The contemporary discourse in design and related theory is actively discussed and debated, with students encouraged to develop a personal position relative to it. Both the intentions of students and the results of their work are debated in group discussions and critical sessions.

This unit is only available to students enrolled in the double award Master of Industrial Design with Southeast University, China.

Chief examiner(s)

Ian Wong


Doctor degree

From Australia Monash University

Ethan Wang


Doctor degree

From Australia Monash University

Credit points

Credit: 12




Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture


Second semester


On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Practice design to a standard of professional competency; engaging collaboratively and independently in the resolution and communication of design concepts;

  • Relate and critically analyse their design work against contemporary discourse and seek to extend its boundaries;

  • Defend their chosen direction in the project against informed criticism, through the synthesis of complex theories, concepts, and design strategies;

  • Apply advanced cognitive abilities, technical skills, and the practice of cultural inquiry to undertake their project;

  • Organise, develop and plan methodologies, for a project to successfully determine a viable outcome;

  • Understand and apply the rules of occupational health and safety appropriate to the discipline practice.


100% project portfolio.

Course Video (20)

Contact hours

Block mode: 48 studio hours and 240 hours independent study in.On Campus: 8 studio hours and 16 hours of independent study per week or equivalent.

Task syllabus


