S002558 Major Design Project


This unit represents the final stage of a multi-part design project and students are expected to continue with the work initiated in Design project (part one). Defined designs are expected to be detailed resulting in an assessable design outcome. Regular group and individual critiques will be undertaken as the project develops. Both the intentions of students and the results of their work are debated in group discussions and critical sessions. Students will be expected to demonstrate a strong capability to detail design issues. This unit is only available to students enrolled in the double award Master of Industrial Design with Southeast University, China.

Chief examiner(s)

Ian Wong


Doctor degree

From Australia Monash University

Credit points

Credit: 24




Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture


Second semester


On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Independently select and apply relevant design methodology/process to resolve and detail their design project;

  • Debate and/or defend their outcomes in an informed critical appraisal; demonstrating a high level understanding and analysis of complex theories, concepts, and design strategies;

  • Demonstrate an extensive understanding of their design discipline and its professional practices, including business strategies and ethical standards, within the scope of their investigation;

  • Familiarise the students with the concepts of computer aided design and computer aided engineering;

  • Lead, manage, plan and implement complex design projects within their selected field;

  • Understand and apply the rules of occupational health and safety appropriate to the discipline practice.


100% project portfolio.

Course Video

Contact hours

Block mode: 96 studio hours and 384 hours independent studyOn campus: 16 studio hours and 32 hours of independent study per week or equivalent.

Task syllabus


