S002561 Professional Lectures


This unit investigates project and design research management strategies. Topics include research methods and their application, design (research) criteria, client's intentions, market identification and user needs, manufacturing and environmental issues, process and methods of products industrial design. Students will have comprehensive understanding of the current research status and research hot spots.

Chief examiner(s)

Xue Chengqi

Ph.D. supervisor

Doctor degree


Zhou Lei


Doctor degree

Wu Wenyu


Doctor degree

John Zhang

Doctor degree


Alex Brezing

Doctor degree


Credit points

Credit: 6




School of Mechanical Engineering


First semester


The objectives of the unit are to:

  • Familiarise the students with the process of product industrial design;

  • Understanding current research status and research hot spots;

  • Be able to identify key issues which influence the outcome of design projects;

  • Be capable of planning design research;

  • Be able to effectively communicate design research criteria which meets management objectives ;

  • Be aware of planning and scheduling methods for the implementation of design projects;

  • Understand the role and consequences of design contracts;


Product Business plan (>5000 words) 60% (group)

Individual contribution 10%

Class paper (>1500 words) 30% (individual)

Course Video (12)

Contact hours

10 hours of lectures/tutorials and 50 hours of independent study (divided five times).

Task syllabus



Topic 1 : Design process in Industrial Design

Topic 2 : German Design Research Introduction

Topic 3 : Creative thinking and Methods in Design

Topic 4 : Extraction Methods of Tacit Knowledge in Design Front-end

Topic 5 : Japanese Design Research Introduction

Topic 6 : Design Science and Cognitive Multi-discipline

Topic 7 : APPLE-Example of Product Design

Topic 8 : Work Miracles Industrial Design

Topic 9 : Made in China to Design in China

Topic 10 : Industrial design lecture


  1. Introduction of Power Tools And Business Overview;

  2. Development Process And Organization;

  3. Customer Need And Product design Specification;

  4. Concept Generation and Selection;

  5. Industrial Design And Ergonomics.