First semester

S002101 Modern Design Theory

1st semester
Instructor: Chen Yunfei

Credit: 6
Examination form: project work

This course is designed for graduate students to learn the modern design theory such as finite element method, reliable design and soft packages for mechanical engineers. With the rapid development progress in the design theory, design tool and manufacture technology, it is required to use the new scientific and technological knowledge to replace the old contents in the design courses. Based on the current art of the design methodology, the course of “The Modern Design Theory ” is aimed at training students familiar with the new design theory in mechanical engineering.    >> more

S002551 Digital Industrial Design and Virtual Design

1st semester
Instructor: Xue Chengqi

Credit: 6
Examination form: project work

This unit is an introduction to the principles and methods of the digital industrial design. It is designed to master the basic ideas of the digital industrial design, the method and relevant means, and understand the basic technology of digital industrial design and theoretical basis, establish concept of digital industrial design and use the corresponding tool software to engaged in design activities.    >> more

S002552 Human-Machine Interface

1st semester
Instructor: Wang Haiyan

Credit: 6
Examination form: open-book exam

This unit will introduce the mainly principles and methods of human-machine interface design. By studying this unit, students will master the character of physiology and psychology in information transfer and communication between people and machine, making people’s manipulation of the interface easier and more efficient. Through the overview of Human-Machine Interface’s development at home and abroad, students will master all kinds of new design ideology and improve their ability to match the future software and hardware interface design requirement.
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S002553 Emotion Design

1st semester
Instructor: Xu Jiang

Credit: 6
Examination form: project work

This unit is an introduction to the principles and methods of Emotion Design as applied in product development. Emotion design techniques are covered with a special emphasis on the emotion information extracting, processing and modelling with the experiments. Through the overview of Emotion Design’s development at home and abroad, students will enhance their awareness and capability with the user-centered design thought, which should be more based on the emotional, cultural and lifestyle qualities.    >> more

S002561 Professional Lectures

1st semester
Instructor: Xue Chengqi

Credit: 6
Examination form: closed-book exam

This unit investigates project and design research management strategies. Topics include research methods and their application, design (research) criteria, client's intentions, market identification and user needs, manufacturing and environmental issues, process and methods of products industrial design. Students will have comprehensive understanding of the current research status and research hot spots.    >> more

S002562 Design Art Research

1st semester
Instructor: Cui Tianjian

Credit: 6
Examination form: paper work

In view of the concept of design art, the course comprehensively and in-depth discuss the functionality, the usability , the pleasure, the ethics and the resources during designing by analysing the design nature, the design characteristics and so on. The students were conducted to understand the design factors and design disciplines from the perspective of culture and arts and further enhanced their awareness of innovation and creativity.    >> more

Second semester

S002555 Design Project

2nd semester
Instructor: Ethan Wang

Credit: 12
Examination form: project work

This unit represents the first of a multi-part design project. In most instances the project is to be determined by the students at the beginning of the semester in consultation with their lecturer. The outcomes of the project undertaken will vary depending upon the individual objectives established by the students and teaching staff. The unit provides an opportunity to undertake conceptual designs which will lead to the development of these ideas in the subsequent Design Projects. Students should be particularly concerned with the development of their personal design philosophy, the way in which it responds to social needs and its visual and social expression as a preliminary to its virtuoso development in the major project. The contemporary discourse in design and related theory is actively discussed and debated, with students encouraged to develop a personal position relative to it. Both the intentions of students and the results of their work are debated in group discussions and critical sessions. This unit is only available to students enrolled in the double award Master of Industrial Design with Southeast University, China.    >> more

S002557 Advanced Design Communication

2nd semester
Instructor: Bernie Walsh

Credit: 6
Examination form: project work

This unit develops the practice of advanced design communication by combining techniques and media, as well as experimental methods. Students will be required to examine current methods to help develop their design visualization proficiency.    >> more

S002558 Major Design Project

2nd semester
Instructor: Ian Wong

Credit: 24
Examination form: project work

This unit represents the final stage of a multi-part design project and students are expected to continue with the work initiated in Design project (part one). Defined designs are expected to be detailed resulting in an assessable design outcome. Regular group and individual critiques will be undertaken as the project develops. Both the intentions of students and the results of their work are debated in group discussions and critical sessions. Students will be expected to demonstrate a strong capability to detail design issues. This unit is only available to students enrolled in the double award Master of Industrial Design with Southeast University, China.    >> more

S002560 Research Methods in Industrial Design

2nd semester
Instructor: Ian Wong

Credit: 6
Examination form: project work

The unit develops an understanding and appreciation of current design research practice and methods. Regular group and individual critiques of the design research applied to a project will be undertaken. Both the intentions of students and the results of their work are debated in group discussions and critical sessions. Students will be expected to demonstrate a capability to investigate design research as part of design practice.    >> more